Posts Tagged ‘Plastic Surgery’

Part 2: Heidi Montag’s Body Evolution and Mind Dissolution!

Has anyone watched ‘The Hills’ lately?  I used to really like this mindless show because it was just fun following around these spoiled rich kids.  I mean even though they were spoiled, they were still really likeable and somewhat still innocent when the show started.  However, now I literally find myself feeling depressed after watching an episode of ‘The Hills.’  It’s like I’ve witnessed all innocence lost and how Hollywood can truly corrupt those who are not emotionally and/or developmentally ready for it.

Heidi Montag of course is one of the main people on the show that I feel this corruption most applies to.  Heidi is someone on the show that at one point I was really rooting for. She was just a sweet girl from Colorado who was friends with Lauren Conrad, who obviously had big dreams for herself, although she seemed to be not as focused or studious as Lauren was. Nevertheless, she was still very endearing as L.C’s B.F.F.   However, Heidi is now a far cry from that girl we all once knew from Crested Butte, Colorado.  Heidi’s evolution has by far been the most shocking and drastic one to everybody who watches ‘The Hills’, myself included.

Heidi has been called everything from a plastic surgery addicted woman to a “media-whore,” but unfortunately Heidi Montag has brought this on to herself.  She does not behave like a person anymore, but instead like a characuture of herself.  I believe this makes the media forget that she’s actually a human being.

I do not dislike Heidi Montag.  As a mom, I look at Heidi Montag and I actually feel sorry for her.

I have a 16 month old baby girl and I have big hopes and dreams for her.  She is my life and once you become a mother you begin to realize that there is no greater love than the one you have for your children.  Now the reason why I am talking about the love of a mother for their child is because the latest media frenzy that surrounded Heidi Montag was when she recently called the cops on her mom for showing up to her house in the Hollywood Hills unannounced.

Heidi has actually been quoted as saying that she wants to put a restraining order on her mother.  Some of you may not know where this is all coming from on Heidi’s part because her mom and her used to be so close.  Well here’s the 411.

Heidi feels that she was humiliated and hurt by her mom on national TV during the shooting of ‘The Hills.’   Let’s just say that Heidi’s mom had a less than favorable response to the 10 cosmetic surgery procedures that Heidi had and  her mom’s negative reaction was all caught on camera for the “reality” show.

Now in Heidi’s defense some of the things that were said to her by her mom and her family did seem a bit harsh and of course us viewers only saw the edited version as well.  However, in her mother’s defense, she was not told about these 10 procedures ahead of time and I think she was shocked and very concerned for her daughter as to why she would do something so drastic. She also appeared to be concerned about the fact that Heidi put herself in danger undergoing such a long elected surgery.  As a mother myself, I know this situation would be a complete nightmare for me as well.  I absolutely don’t have anything against cosmetic surgery, but I do believe there is such a thing as going too far.  It’s disturbing.

I believe it’s very possible that Heidi suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  This is when a person obsesses over a perceived defect in his or her physical features.  Heidi denies these types of speculations though.  She says she is not addicted to cosmetic surgery.  However, she was quoted as saying in regards to her now Triple F breasts “I’m already planning my next surgery – I’m determined to get bigger ones! H (size) for Heidi.”  Thank goodness she wasn’t named Victoria or Zahara!

Now it appears that Heidi has cut ties with her family  and I can’t even imagine what her family, especially her mom, must be going through.  In a way she has lost her daughter.  It must feel as if Heidi has died to her .  Beyond the fact that Heidi is no longer in contact with her family, it also appears that Heidi is no longer in contact with reality.  It’s almost a little scary what kind of LA-LA Land she is living in, and no I don’t mean L.A.

Even her tweets sometimes seem to be rambling and non-sensical.  Family and friends are allegedly concerned that Heidi may be losing her mind.  This had led to debates that Spencer Pratt, Heidi’s very hated and controversial husband may be to blame.

There have been rumored reports that Spencer Pratt is allegedly abusive and overly possessive of Heidi.  I sometimes wonder if this is true?  He may not necessarily be physically abusive, it could possibly be verbal and/or emotional abuse, but still, the damage either way can be deep.

Is it just me or does Heidi appear to be brainwashed?  She also seems to be isolated.  Spencer said something along the lines on ‘The Hills’ about how he doesn’t let Heidi watch TV or basically connect to things on the outside world (not quoting him exactly here).    I believe he said something along the lines of how Heidi has been “cut from the matrix.”   Well, I think most of us know that abuse is about control and a red flag to a potential abusive relationship is when the person being abused is isolated from family and friends.  Can this be Heidi?  Or is it something else?

Maybe we’re just being played by Heidi Montag?  Could she just be playing the part of the victim, but really be the Puppet Master? Could her and Spencer just be playing a role for publicity purposes only?  Afterall, if she’s really cut out of the matrix, then why does she still Tweet about puppy dogs and Transformers (Yes this is true)?  And why does she still Facebook?  She doesn’t appear to be cut out of the matrix.  As a matter of fact, Heidi has been accused by some people as being very manipulative. Could she just be a calculating “media whore”?  I know that sounds harsh, but really which one is it?  Victim or Victor?

Either way, I still do feel sorry for her because I know she is a human being with real emotions and feelings.  However, she just seems to be living life as a shell of a person.  She claims to be so happy and that she is “loving life”, but what I see is an insecure little girl who still needs her mommy and just doesn’t know it.

My hope for Heidi, is that her and her family, especially her mom, can repair their damaged relationship.  I’m sure Spencer’s family would like to reconnect with him as well.  I know a lot of people would like to just place the blame on Spencer for corrupting poor Heidi.  However, how fair is this really?  I think they are both possibly to blame for becoming such media spectacles.

Also, it takes both the dynamite and the match to cause the devastating explosion.  I think that having these two together was just not a good mix to begin with.  Their disfunction feeds upon one another and it has caused havoc not just to themselves, but to everyone closest to them.  The beginning of this destruction was when the friendship was severed between Heidi and Lauren.  That truly was the beginning of the end of the old Heidi that everyone loved.

As some of you may know, Heidi and Spencer’s new obsession is with crystals.  So what I want to know is, when Heidi started following me on Twitter, do you think she looked into a crystal ball that said, “Girl you better follow this bitch cause she’s gonna be talking some shit about you in her next blog.”   Maybe there is something to be said about crystals after all.

Heidi Montag Before Any Surgeries (B.S. "Before Spencer")

Heidi Montag Before Any Surgeries (B.S. "Before Spencer")

Heidi Montag After First Surgery (A.S. "After Spencer")

Heidi Montag After First Surgery (A.S. "After Spencer")

Heidi Montag Now (A.10.PSP. "After 10 Plastic Surgery Procedures")

Heidi Montag Now (A.10.PSP. "After 10 Plastic Surgery Procedures")

Heidi Montag "Perfect 10!"

Heidi Montag "Perfect 10!"

Heidi Montag's Boobs host a Las Vegas Party!

Heidi Montag's Boobs host a Las Vegas Party!

Heidi with her mom during happier times.

Heidi with her mom during happier times.

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt celebrating the Holy Easter holiday together.  Everyone knows how "Christian" Heidi claims to be.

Heidi Montag and husband Spencer Pratt celebrating the Holy Easter holiday together. Everyone knows how "Christian" Heidi claims to be.

Heidi Montag's crying reaction of her mom's disapproval of her surgeries on 'The Hills.'  Heidi's face was literally in physical pain during this trip.  She couldn't even chew her food well due to jaw pain.

Heidi Montag's crying reaction of her mom's disapproval of her surgeries on 'The Hills.' Heidi's face was literally in physical pain during this trip. She couldn't even chew her food well due to jaw pain.