Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

Kate Gosselin (@Kateplusmy8) Has Joined The Twitterverse!

So where have I been?  Apparently Kate Gosselin has joined the Twitter world.  Yes she has a full fledged Verified Twitter account now!  She’s already sent out 2,000 tweets to the Twitterverse and already has over 13,000 followers too! So once again, as ‘Mommyhood to Hollywood,’ where was I when this happened?

Reportedly, Kate also has a Twitter stalker already, yeah welcome to Twitter Kate.  Just click “block,” that’s what I do to those disgusting creeps.

So if you’re interested in following the mom of eight on Twitter go to @Kateplusmy8.

Kate's Twitter Pic As Of Now

Kate's Twitter Pic As Of Now

Pregnancy Goes Viral In Hollywood?

It’s being called the “Hollywood Baby Boom,” but in my opinion it’s the “Hollywood Baby Explosion!”  Is there something in the Cristal because it seems like pregnancy has gone viral in Hollywood?

Today a celebrity baby bump is all the rage and announcing your preggers when you’re a celebrity is a lot bigger (pardon the pun) than announcing your latest movie project.

2011 has barely begun and People Magazine has already featured 23 celebrities who are expecting babies and 2010 wasn’t lacking in the baby mill either!  It kind of makes you wonder, is having a baby a more chic accessory than a Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Handbag?  I know that’s terrible, a baby is NOT an accessory, but you can’t deny this growing trend in Hollywood.

At first the road to Hollywood Parenthood seemed to be all about adopting babies from out of the country, but that is so Angelina Jolie 2007!  Now it really doesn’t matter how you have a baby in Hollywood: adoption, surrogate, or just the good ole’ fashion way of getting “knocked up.” Anyone else out there not like this term, but absolutely loves that movie?

Okay, I digress, like I was saying it doesn’t matter how you have a baby in Hollywood, all that matters is the sweet bundle of joy that comes in the end, and that you’ll get to pose with he or she on the cover of some celebrity magazine once they have finally arrived.  So anyhow, with all this said, it really is quite amazing how many celebrities are actually coming up pregnant today in Hollywood.

Now I was joking earlier about Hollywood babies being a chic accessory, however, in harsh reality there are people who believe that this is exactly why celebrities are having babies.  Those people are skeptical to why such a large number of celebrities are turning up pregnant all at once.  Is it really just the fashionable thing to do in Hollywood and a great way to get some publicity?  Or is it just a mere coincidence?

I have a difficult time believing a celebrity would have a baby just to get some publicity, especially when so many of them are A-List celebrities and they don’t even need the publicity.  However, isn’t that part of the reason why Joan Crawford adopted her children in ‘Mommie Dearest?’…And perhaps I am naive to say that an A-List celebrity does not need the publicity, when really publicity is what keeps their careers thriving.  Regardless though, I still don’t think this is why so many celebs are having babies right now.

So here is my theory on why I think so many celebrities are getting pregnant in Hollywood.  I think it’s because a lot of celebrities are having unprotected sex, that’s why.  Duh! Were you expecting something deeper or more complicated?

We all know that some of these Hollywood pregnancies were planned, while others were not.  So perhaps in some of the cases of those that were not planned, there was something in the Cristal that contributed to them getting pregnant after all…

It’s called alcohol.

Mariah Carey w/Husband Nick Cannon Having Twins!

Mariah Carey w/Husband Nick Cannon Having Twins!

Kate Hudson Expecting 2nd Child

Kate Hudson Expecting 2nd Child

Penelope Cruz w/Javier Bardem

Penelope Cruz w/Javier Bardem

Christina Applegate Expecting Her First Baby!

Christina Applegate Expecting Her First Baby!

Jane Krakowski Looking Fabulous On The Red Carpet, Baby Bump And All!

Jane Krakowski Looking Fabulous On The Red Carpet, Baby Bump And All!
Ivanka Trump Recently Announced She's Pregnant On Twitter!

Ivanka Trump Recently Announced She's Pregnant On Twitter!

Victoria and David Beckham Expecting Their 4th Child....Maybe they'll have a baby girl this time!

Victoria and David Beckham Expecting Their 4th Child....Maybe they'll have a baby girl this time!

Actor Kevin James w/Gorgeous Wife And Baby Bump.

Actor Kevin James w/Gorgeous Wife And Baby Bump.

Maybe pink for Pink!  On Ellen she said the doc thought maybe a girl although it was still a little soon to tell.

Maybe pink for Pink! On Ellen she said the doc thought maybe a girl although it was still a little soon to tell.

Alicia Silverstone keeping up her healthy lifestyle while pregnant.

Alicia Silverstone keeping up her healthy lifestyle while pregnant.

Jennifer Connelly Glowing!

Jennifer Connelly Glowing

Beautiful Laila Ali

Beautiful Laila Ali

Natalie Portman Wins The Golden Globe And Looks Stunning Expecting Her 1st Baby!

Natalie Portman Wins The Golden Globe And Looks Stunning Expecting Her 1st Baby!

Click Below For Full Celebrity Baby Gallery at,,20458970,00.html

The Power Of Bieber Fever And His Fans Like @BieberSoCal Who Helped Bring Him There!

Bieber Fever, have you caught it yet?

It seems to have become an epidemic amongst teenage girls everywhere!  However, teenage girls are not the only Justin Bieber fans out there in the world.  As a matter of fact, Johnny Depp has recently been reported as contracting Bieber Fever, when he was photographed backstage of a Justin Bieber concert with singer Avery on Saturday, December 18th in Miami, Florida.   Apparently the A-List actor had a song request too, so while Justin was on stage he reportedly said, “Johnny Depp wants to hear ‘Baby’,” and so of course he sang it.

So now that we are on the subject of A-List celebrities, and teenage girls who are fans of The Beebs, Selena Gomez was once again caught with Justin Bieber, this time at an IHop in Miami, Florida.  Yes this was during the same time he had his December 18th concert in which Johnny Depp was spotted.  Supposedly shots were taken of Selena and Justin holding hands!  I have included the pics of this, so you can be the judge.

Now the most recent rumor surrounding Justin and Selena about their trip to Miami is a bit juicier than a little date at the IHop, well sort of anyways.  According to America’s Life & Style magazine, while Justin was staying at the Gansevoort hotel in Miami he actually ordered room service for both him and Selena.  This certainly has many people wondering, “Could this be young love?”  It’s so reminiscent of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, isn’t it?  Sorry, I think I’m showing my age and digressing all at the same time.  Anyhow, both Justin and Selena have maintained that they are only good friends, so all I can say is, we will see.

Back to Beiber Fever though, he really is the Breakout Artist of 2010.  At first I didn’t get it, but then I saw the kid perform on Ellen and then I fully got it.  I understood it 100%!  He is a talented kid, he can sing, he can dance, he’s cute, and he has that great hair that he’s always tossing back and forth, which just makes me want to cut it, so he’ll stop doing that, but once again I get the appeal of it all though.

Also, he’s not scary to parents, so they are cool about their tween and teen girls gushing over him.  They are even willing to buy their girls concert tickets to go see him perform, and you know what, moms are getting in on the fun and gushing over him too, while they use their kids as an excuse to go see him in concert.

Let’s face it, when Kim Kardashian flirts with the idea of having an innocent crush on Justin Bieber (and we all know he had a real crush on her at one time), then perhaps no woman is safe from Bieber Fever.

With all this hype around Justin Bieber you have to recognize his faithful fans for supporting his talent.  Honestly, without fans it doesn’t matter how talented you are, they are the ones who truly fuel the fire, or in this case raise the temperature that has now become known as Bieber Fever.

The great thing is that I think Justin realizes this and appreciates his fans, as well as reaches out to them.  One standout fan group that absolutely amazes me and truly demonstrates the power of Bieber Fever is the Twitter profile @BieberSoCal.  This Justin Bieber Twitter Fan page appears to be run by two friends Saisha and Jennifer who are 100% devoted to Justin Bieber, but they are not the only ones devoted to him. @BieberSoCal has over 64,000 Twitter followers who are also equally devoted to The Beebs!  Now if that doesn’t show the power of Bieber Fever, then I don’t know what does.

I mean this is not Justin Bieber’s Verified Twitter account I am talking about, this is simply a fan Twitter account, and yet look at how many of his fans are following it! And why? Because they all share one very important common denominator, and that is their love and pride of Justin Bieber.  It’s Bieber Fever at its finest.

Therefore, if you haven’t caught Bieber Fever yet, don’t be surprised if you do.  I believe Justin’s talent will surpass just being another teen idol and that his star is on a continuous rise.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Holding Hands?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Holding Hands?

What Do You Think?

What Do You Think?

Johnny Depp With Avery At Justin Bieber's Concert

Johnny Depp With Avery At Justin Bieber's Concert

Bieber Fever

Bieber Fever

‘Mommyhood to Hollywood’ Holiday Money Saving Tips!

‘Mommyhood to Hollywood’ Holiday Money Saving Tips!

1. Use Social Media and Technology To Your Advantage!
Do you know that many of your favorite stores have Facebook pages and that if you “LIKE” those pages they will offer you discounts on products they carry? That’s right, the world of finding deals has changed, so sign on to your Facebook page, you probably are there already anyway, and plug in some store names and see what deals you can find. Start with this one for Sears!
Foursquare is partnering up with Sports Authority on Black Friday to give away gift cards and discounts.  Also get coupons by checking into American Eagle (15% off through 12/31/2010), Hollister (20% through 11/25/2010), Zales (get $50 toward purchases of $300 or more through 12/31/2010), or JC Penney (get $10 towards purchases of $50 or more).  Now for all you anti-Twitter people, you’re missing out because there are deals to be found!  Follow your favorite stores on Twitter because many of them are offering deals.  Also follow @BFads and @BlackFriday for updates on all your favorite retailers as well!  Another fab place for deals is
Now here’s something else you can do to save money… I’m sure many of you have heard that expression, “There’s an app for that!”  Doesn’t there seem to be an app for everything these days, well here are some more and these can help you save money this holiday shopping season!  The first one is called the ‘Red Laser’ and of course it’s an app by Apple and it’s FREE!  The ‘Red Laser’ basically scans items’ barcodes and then searches the web to find you the place where you can get that item for the lowest price.  Pretty cool, huh!  The other money saving apps are by eBay and Amazon.  eBay’s app is called the ‘EBay App’ (how creative) and Amazon’s is called the ‘Price Check App.’ Both of these apps use the iPhone or iPod Touch camera to check the price of an item against the price of the same product on the company’s respective websites.  Oh yes, comparison shopping has become so futuristic!
2. Buy Your Holiday Decor Close To The Holidays or After The Holidays!
Let’s face it, the closer to the holidays we get, the more desperate retailers are wanting to get rid of their holiday decorations.  If you shop for your decor close to the holidays or after the holidays are over (to get stocked up for the following year), then you will find slashed prices or even better, clearance prices!
3. Don’t Send Out Holiday Cards or Send Out E-Greeting Cards Instead!
I love sending out holiday cards too, but trust me when I say that if you skip a year in sending them out, especially in these difficult financial times, your family and friends will understand. If you don’t want to skip it, then E-Greetings are a great alternative to traditional holiday cards.  You can get them and send them out for free.  If you absolutely have the need to send out those traditional holiday cards via snail mail instead, then wait to buy them in December because that’s when they go on sale, or send out New Years cards instead!
4. Practice Smart Gift Buying and Gift Giving!
A) Start your holiday shopping early, really early, like 6 months early!  You’re probably thinking, “Are you crazy?”  Well maybe, but in doing this you can buy slowly and not have to worry about spending large sums of money all at once.  Also, imagine not having the stress of buying a bunch of gifts during the month of December, while you’re also trying to decorate, give parties, travel or host tons of family at the same time.
B) If you don’t want to shop early and you can tolerate crowded malls and packed parking lots (unlike me), then take advantage of Black Friday.  There will always be great deals on this day, so why not take advantage of them if you can handle the crowds.
C) Don’t shop for your friends with children, just buy their children a gift, or better yet, buy one gift that the whole family can enjoy!
D) Don’t buy couples individual gifts, buy them a “couple” gift instead.
E) Big families should consider picking a name out of a hat for gift exchange or consider doing a Secret Santa instead.
F) Shop online!  You’d be amazed at the comparison shopping and deals you can find online.  Many times you can even go to a store and find a price on an item that is high, but then if you go to that stores’ website, they have that same item at a much lower price!
G) Make a gift!  Some people may think this is an old fashion idea, but a homemade gift is usually the most thoughtful one.

5. Scrapping the Expensive Wrapping!
Instead of buying expensive wrapping paper, use recycled wrapping paper instead. Always hold on to left over wrapping paper and gift bags, so that you can use them later.  If you don’t have left over holiday wrapping paper, then take any type of wrapping paper you may have, flip it over to the plain side and use that side instead.  You or your kids can decorate that side to make it look festive. Also, instead of buying pricey bows, look around your house to see what you already have.  You will be surprised by what beautiful items you can find around your home to decorate your gifts with.  Or take advantage of what’s outside and see what beautiful decor nature has to offer for your gift or your house (pine cones, leaves, etc).  Here’s another idea!  Buy inexpensive large reams of packing paper and use that as wrapping paper.  You can decorate it yourself or make it a creative art project for your kids to do.  You can also use newspapers or magazines to wrap gifts!
6. Grocery Shop With A Purpose!
When you go grocery shopping make sure you have a shopping list.  That way you don’t end up shopping for things you don’t need.  Also take advantage of coupons, you can find them online at places like Also check out local deals from the newspaper or just pick up a free ad flyer from the market. In addition, make sure to take advantage of the deals that the grocery stores may have to offer, they have these especially during the holiday season.  Here’s another tip, ditch the name brand snobbery. Don’t be so stuck on name brands because sometimes the store brand item is just as good as the name brand item, but at a much lower price!
7. Entertain In Town, Not Downtown!
During the holidays it’s always great to be able to take in a nice show downtown, but this can be extremely pricey, so here are some alternatives.  Take in a holiday show at a local high school, college, or church instead.  They are much less in price and the ticket sales go right back to the school and/or church. Sometimes these shows are even free!  Here are also some other free entertaining activities you can do with your family.  Join a school or church caroling group, or make your own caroling group with your family and friends! Have a holiday cookie baking party and exchange recipes and cookies at the end of it.  You will leave with an assortment of holiday cookies to eat and share. Here’s another favorite thing I love to do for the holidays that’s free…Take your kids for a drive to a nearby neighborhood or town to see holiday lights.  It’s a festive activity that will put almost anybody in the holiday spirit!
Mommyhood to Hollywood

Mommyhood to Hollywood